……. Will you please take your seats and clear the aisles??
It would not be right to start the blog without giving thanks to all for our blessings. Since this is our second chance to travel the world I think we are over prepared and thus have some heavy bags. Between the two of us we have roughly 100 lbs. of luggage. We will be losing some of the weight as about 15 lbs. of our luggage are just food rations. Natasha has provided us with several energy bars, candy, 5 Hour Energy, and other snacks.
On a personal note I would like to give an extra special thanks to Cohen for the cool t shirt. I promise it will be put to good use. Another special thanks to Stephanie for keeping Trey while we are away. I already miss my dude, but I know he is in good hands.
Last year we were in fear of the unknown and the fact that neither of us had any control of our travels. After the Indonesian leg of last year’s trip nothing will be too much for either of us. I am not saying that this year’s trip will not have its challenges, but I know that we can get through it. One cannot know what he is capable of until challenged.
Ohh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH, many more my friend. As I am sure you all can tell I am running out of things to say, so I will sign off. After tomorrow we will have one more post, then I am sure will have a long flight to a currently unknown destination, so please be patient for the next post. We are staying currently at the Palace Hotel (http://www.sfpalace.com). Check it out.
Peace and love!!
The Silver Surfers
“Look out world I’m on my way”- Clipse
Trey misses you guys too. He made his own "great escape" out of my backyard yesterday, but all is good and gate is now securly locked.